Privacy policy


Who We Are

WoodStreet Consulting Limited is a company registered in England and Wales, company number 06877809.

Our Website

WoodStreet Consulting Limited has designed its websites to provide information to visitors about our business and services we do not aggregate data or collect personal information through the website.

Online Visitors (Aggregated Information)

We do not aggregate data, therefore no personally identifiable information is revealed during this process.

Use of Cookies

We do not use cookies

WoodStreet Consulting Limited may invite you to submit personal information about you directly to us. The information you provide us will normally include, name, address, email address and other relevant information and may include sensitive information such as salary, nationality or visa status.

This information is used by us to:

· provide our recruitment services to you, whether you are a client, candidate or a user of our website;

· enable you to submit your CV generally and to apply for specific jobs.

· provide information on suitable job opportunities to people who register with us, to match your profile with suitable job vacancies and to assist us in finding a position that is most suitable for you

· answer your enquiry;

· provide other services related to or supplementary to the above; market products and services directly to you to your professional or business email address.

Where we have your consent, we will also use your information to:

· send your personal information to clients in order to apply for jobs;

· market job vacancies directly to your personal email address or via telephone

We process data using secure cloud applications for the purposes of analytics and to provide recruitment services you have expressed an interest in.

Within the scope of the purposes outlined above, we may outsource collected personal information to third parties. If we do so, we will take contractual measures to ensure that they process your data in a manner consistent with this policy. For those companies who operate in countries which do not offer a level of data protection equivalent to the high standards that exist in Europe, we take contractual steps to ensure that the same high standards apply.

If we merge with or are acquired by another business, we may share personal information with the new owners of the business and their advisers, you will be sent notice of such an event should it occur.

Other Sources of Data

We may also process information about you where it is available from public sources. For example, if you have a professional profile online (e.g. LinkedIn) we may combine that type of information with the information you provide directly to us.

Curriculum Vitae (“CV”)

By sending us your CV you are indicating your consent for WoodStreet Consulting Limited to process your personal details in the manner described above.

Job Alerts

Once you have sent us your CV we will keep in touch by email or telephone to let you know about future job opportunities

Opting Out

Should you wish to opt-out of any further contact, you can contact us at any time and if you provide us with your email address and contact details we can unsubscribe you from further contact.

Subject Access Request

You have the right to request a copy of the information we hold for you on our systems. In order to receive this information, we will need verification of your identity and will at no cost, prepare and send you this information. Please note that we will not provide the following types of information in response to a data access request:

  • Information about other people;

  • Opinions given in confidence;

  • Repeat requests or privileged information.

  • Other types of information may also be exempt under data protection laws (e.g. data relating to the commission of offences or estimates of damages).

Changes To Our Policy

This Privacy Policy is subject to change and we will notify visitors of a change in policy via a notice on our website. Continued use of the site or our services after changes are made will constitute your acceptance of the revised policy.

Contact Us

If you have any queries on our Privacy Policy, you can contact us in writing at:

WoodStreet Consulting Limited

3rd Floor

86-90 Paul Street